
Clean Sweeper is here to take the hassle of cleaning your commercial property or home out of your life. We are here for your WANTS and NEEDS. Our number one goal is to keep YOU safe. Many years of trial and error, we have finally found the best product to clean and sanitize, but more importantly keep the environment safe for all. Using essential oils and all natural cleaning products makes this possible. Another factor in keeping the area we are cleaning truly safe, is our HEPA filtered vacuums.

" Always wanting to be a business owner was a dream of mine. With that I wanted to do something that helped others. Not only do we keep peoples property clean and sanitized but we are also improving their health with our essential oils products. The majority of different chemicals that "clean" and smell nice that people use everyday are effecting our bodies in many ways." - Zack Pietrantonio- Owner

Please browse our website to check out our services, specialties, links, and ways to contact us! ENJOY